CS Soccer is committed to ensuring that the health, safety and welfare of all children and young people is maintained at all times during their participation as a player, coach, parents, volunteer, or spectator of CS Soccer. This clinic is a local small business of Macarthur and fully supports the Child Protection Policies and guidelines of these organisations.
Covid practices. A QR code for sign-in is located at all venues.
• Adhere to social distancing (1.5m distance between other spectators and 4m2 per person);
• Arrive dressed and ready to train, play sport and leave immediately;
• No gathering before and after the session
• Spectators are to social distance at all times. Same households do not need to social distance
• Only toilets to open, no other facilities will be open to minimise contact;
• Most of our venues have sanitiser in the toilets I will also have hand sanitiser with me at every session.

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